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Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:58 pm
by maxwell ainley
A connection goes into sanchin its received ,and in that specific search sanchin was bottomed according to the last posts description .
Mind/body have just expanded to the outer limits of that density created between seisan and sanchin,watchfullness/singular have taken matters to that extremity ,now we also have one very tiny glimpse of the creation of seisan .
This alone acts upon interest in monumental terms ;it needs noting all efforts were to movement connection ,and not analytical study ,because we have slightly expanded mind/body ,bunkai analysis will have fast smooth timed motions ,to pave a way forewards .

Notes; of the time were more simple ,since then I filled lots in why things are done in specific ways ,always my intentions were uncover just what the old masters were on with .
In this manner the puzzle peice as heavily worked the physical part ,but now the mental part is building thought patterns around the methodology ,understanding /density is waking up the third part ,the third part is begining to see a glimmer of whats happening .
I could now see into the mind that created sanchin ,a way in was appearing ,but one main condition applyed ,the heart had to be right ,man/womans asperation too must be on line .
Only a small glimpse ,but well worth the study.


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:20 pm
by maxwell ainley
A concept involved ;is not to get in the way of the flow of the puzzle as skill at working this methodology progress's .
Learning to observe the movement and its return to sanchin without making assumptions etc ,now with practice the mind will learn to flow with the movements ,searching for connections ,also from a combat /self defence situation this principle does not break the rule of spontaenous responce to threat .

Two principles are establshed ;a connection principle and a spontaenous principle ,and with practice we can enter the dojo and go straight into spontaenous search mode .
Imagine I am only awake to making a movement work ,look how much material is being missed in respect of the puzzle principle alone .
