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The Experience

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 1999 4:20 am
by Jackie Olsen
There have been quite a few new students to the YMCA dojo, lately ... more who seem to be questioning their choice of a martial art style. I came across the saying by Buddha which helps define the search:

Rely not on the teacher (person), but on the teaching. Rely not on the words of teaching, but on the spirit of the words. Rely not on theory, but on the experience.

I have become aware lately that sometimes I suffer the "paralysis of analysis..." The desire to explain away a teaching or theory instead of perhaps just providing the basics and helping the student define their own experience.

We are a spoon-fed culture, often looking to the teacher to totally define the way, instead of looking withing and digging deep for some of our own answers.

How many classes begin or end with more than a just few moments of meditation? Should we spend more time in silence? What has been your experience?

In Beauty,


The Experience

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 1999 11:38 am
by Evan Pantazi
A few moments in silence to drop your breathing into the lower abdomen and relax the shoulders, (hopefully relaxing some tension of the day away), is a solid idea and one that brings more reverance to the Dojo.

We all need a shelter from the storm, and as one of my first instructors used to say on a daily basis, "You can always seek refuge in the Dojo".

Of course he also used to say on a daily basis, "Pain, Discipline and Tourture my friend, will get you to your goal".

Ahh, what a philosopher...but I'm still in contact with him and it is these words that always come to mind!

Evan Pantazi

The Experience

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 1999 2:08 pm
by Jackie Olsen

Sounds like your teacher was one of balance, showing the softness/hardness of the way. I had one teacher that said the road to physical mastery is "Desire, Perspire, Acquire." It is the integration of our determination that provides our growth.

In Beauty,


The Experience

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 1999 11:49 pm
by Jackie Olsen

I agree ... one must be inspired. And one must seek inspiration, even when you're not inclined to do so!

I'm still getting to know and confront my demons...trying to name and claim the game and hold they have over me which keeps me from moving forward in certain areas. I remember once reading, "You can't master a foe you don't recognize."

BTW ... is that one of your demons on the "Shut Up and Train Shirt?!" Image

In Beauty,
