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Last ride

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 4:14 am
by Van Canna
By Muthatruxr (Muthatruxr)


It started with a cool summers day ... as the gentle winds blew in off of the ocean .... A perfect day by all accounts ... the sun shining like diamonds in the sea ... A perfect day for a ride ... But I get the feeling that something strange is about to happen ...

I start for the bike and get on ... as she roars to life I feel the vibrations of a perfectly tuned machine ... Anticipation for the ride grows ... I start out for the road not yet certain of my direction ... I head north towards the now green and luscious mountains ... The feel of the wind in face and the life of the bike below me ...

I become one .... Half man half machine ... The bike knowing me as well as I know her ...I continue on not sure of my destiny ... But yet something or someone is drawing me in this direction ... I continue on ...

As I ride the feeling that something is about to happen increase with a growing anticipation but not an alarming one ...

I press ever forward the sun shinning and the wind in my face ... I rode about a hundred miles stopping only when I need to ... The force that is pulling at me grows with ever mile I ride ... The urge to continue is strong and persistent so I continue to ride ...

Suddenly there is a woman in the road ... She looks dazed and confused almost as if she has been injured ... I stop and ask if I can help her ... She doesn't answer ... I ask again ... Slowly she replies ...

Yes, she needs a ride into town she has been in an accident and needs someone to help her ... I offer to give her a ride into the next town about 30 miles away ... She accepts and I ask her name K she says and I tell her I'm Brian and start the bike for the ride to town ... As I ride the force that is driving me has increased ever more ....

The sun has now started to set the breeze is becoming cooler as we continue to ride ... Approaching town the road ahead becomes more treachouis and most from the eveing dew ...

The force that is pulling me is getting stronger and is yet not alarming ... As I enter a turn and look up I see vehicles scattered all over the road ... I'M going too fast to safely stop ... I attempt to stop but all my skills and efforts as a ride fail and I go down ...

The sounds of metal on the pavement and my scream is howling in my ears ...

Yet my passenger doesn't seem to care ... I wonder who or what this strange and beautiful lady could be ... I have no time to think and yet I don't seem to care ... In the distance I hear the howl and whine of ambulances .... They draw nearer ... As they arrive I hear muffled voices of people around me ...

I lay there not being able to respond to there questions .... It's as though I am in a fog and speaking but know one hears my words ... I look for her but she is no where to be seen ... I try to tell them to look for her but they do not hear my words ....

I collapse into a state of unconsciousness darkness is all around me and I hear and feel nothing ... Is as though all time has stopped and the world as I knew it has vanished in the blink of an eye ...
After what I feel is only seconds ... The world returns to me ... But yet there is something different ... I cant quite figure out what it is

Then I notice the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze on my face ... I'M at where I first saw this mysterious lady ... The day is the same as I first remember it and yet somehow changed ... I look around but don't understand ...

The accident? Where are the cars? How did I come back to here?

I look back again towards the place where I first seen the lady ... I see her now but she looks different somehow ... She no longer looks as if she has been injured ...

She calls my name .... Brian ... Hesitantly I ride closer to her not yet sure what is happening to me ....

She reaches out her hand to me ... I hesitate further and yet I feel the same force as before drawing me to this strange and mysterious lady .... Slowly I reach for her hand ...

As she touches my fingers I come to realize that the day is not the same ... I ask ... Why are we back here? What happened to the accident?

With a low and tender voice she answers ...

It is time for you to come ... For you to come with me ... I ask where ? " To ride as free in the wind as you could ever want with endless days and sunsets " Brian its your time to ride ...

The last I see as I look back over my shoulder is that of a beautiful lady standing in the road saying "Ride forever free into many a sunset and sunrise " "RIDE FREE and FOREVER in the WIND"