
Reopened!!! The jujitsu forum will focus on traditional and non-traditional Jujitsu/grappling arts.
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Posts: 989
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 1998 6:01 am
Location: Randolph, MA USA 781-963-8891


Post by mikemurphy »

I know most of you have heard the news and are reading all the emotions that people have here on the forums. Of course, my thoughts and prayres go out to all the people of the United States and the free world.

I don't know what the response will be from the "free" world, and ultimately the US, but let's keep a focus on what needs to be done here at home. Blood, food, supply, money, emotional support for New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. This is something we can do to show those who use terror that we will survive this and move on. And yes, they can't hurt us they way they would like to think.
Pay back will be sweet, but let us attend to what is most urgent.

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