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Modern Fencing Vs. Renaissance VERY BASIc

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:01 pm
Well, as you know, modern western faces the opponent (more or less) in what Dred Sesnie Or I mugh call a "Side Saddle" Fighting position.

This is the way Fred and I learned to spar.

I it less dangerous in the sense that only the strong arm and shooulder a truly exposed to the the opponent and many tournament fighters preferRed) it.

The Renaissance position, reall basically, as in Uechi sparring, open both )or all foour) lines of offence to the front.

It is not as safe, but seems considralby more lethal.

The Weak side hand holds a
main gauche" or leather glove or even a buckle and remains in play.

If one of the few western fence lesson I took, maestro reached in and taped me lightly on the left leg with what one presumes would be a non edged rapier type weapon.

Even applying the basic are for limbs remaining to the attack mode, this might well have proved lethal.

A Bowie has sometime been referred to a short sword or modern Main Gauche (despite the fact that a studded or mailed glove is probably illegal in the Commowealth.

Any development of these rudimentary observations would be welcome and, even pleade for.

I willl post some positions of the "double guard" even if I have to sketch them by hand.

I am still unable to find, except in the watered down for the defense Boston ordinance as to actuall illegality of a blade over a certain length.

This does not address possible law breaking related to concealed v. Dangerous v. deadly weapons.

It was noted on one analysis of the law posted on a knife forum that the law (Ch 269 s 10 et seq) that the law is vague and perhaps unenforceable of the very grounds of it indecipherabilty. although certain types of listed weapons are forbidden.

I noted to the local Captain that a 'stiletto' was illegal and my cold steel superficially resembls a stiletto.

At first he advised me not to carry it at all, but after it was explained that the top strap is not sharp, it gave him considerable pause as he said "an officer with a hair in the worng place might decide to charge on the resemblance.

The stiletto is made illegal without reference to a double edged or srping opened weapon.

As to basic thought on defense, once one has determined one's knife is legal to carry, my thought would be to recoomend that the strong or weak side arm immediatle be protected as much as possible by pulling one's coat over the lead )or rear) fist.

It is difficult to 'slash' through even a balled up sweatshirt.

Avoid the bleed out type cut to one's self and/or foreward limb at all costs.

You willl not last 2-4 minutes with a bad slash, and then you die.

KIck extensively for the simple matter that your feet )although a dangerous weapon as a shotb foot, but not necessarily a 'dead;y
one, is protected by leather.

When faced "long" go short" when faced short, go long. When circulary attacked, go linear, when linealy opposed, go circular.

Draw on your sparring skills and weapons training.

Mine is with the sai and bo and Sensei Freds' with the katana.

Keep kicling without draining one's energy.

A K bar in the weak side OR strong side when the offside is effecticely partially protected by layers of cloth coupled with good sparing skills can present a daunting defence.