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Voting Bug?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 1998 9:04 pm
by Scott Danziger
Interesting thing happens in the voting booth. I went to one subject, viewed the answers before I voted, now I can't vote on it. All the other subjects I voted first then viewed the answers. Every time I click on those questions again, it always prompts me to vote again (but I don't) and I can also view the results. However, the one subject I didn't vote on at all now only lets me view the results and I can't vote on it. I think the repeat voting characteristic is backwards.


Voting Bug?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 1998 3:53 pm
by Scott Danziger

I like the new graphic a lot. You did a great job.

I have question, the banner.class applet you use here, is that available to the public. I am teaching myself how to use java and have been messing around with some applets. The banner applet you use here is the best marquee/banner applet I've seen so far and I'd like to use it on my pages. I took out Java for Dummies from the library. Great for beginners. I also took out a new book called JAVA in plain english. It's for actual jave programming. I haven't gotten to it yet. I also took out a CGI programming book but I haven't even gotten to it yet. (Time for a career change)


Voting Bug?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 1998 10:05 pm
by Scott Danziger

Thanks for the compliment on the gif and thanks for the file. I am going to dl it in a sec. I truly appreciate it.

BTW: If there are any problems, e-mailing me is also fine: <a href=""></a>

Again thanks!

Voting Bug?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 1998 2:43 am
by Scott Danziger

It works GREAT! Thanx a million dude! I've been playing for hours and I've only been doing the banner mode. Awsome utility.

But now I found a job so my playing/web making time is gonna be severly cut. Gonna have to make the most of this weekend.

Thanks again!

Voting Bug?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 1998 5:13 am
by Scott Danziger
Thanks dude, I'll be ther in .gif (I'm a sick pup)

What do you think of this..


If you like it, can you use gif animations in the forum?


Voting Bug?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 1998 5:50 am
by Scott Danziger
Ok, I'll check it out. No sweat. I have to get that ftp upload program. I hope it works with AOL. Can you put the file in this FTP here so I can get it? I checked out the Macromedia website, the file is not there just a lot of text help about it. Loks like Flash is the future.

BTW: I didn't save the layers as transparencies as you obviusly can tell. The different logos were overlapping and to save time rather than changing the way it layers was just to take the transparancy out and make it match the white background of the forum.
