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Hot Links

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 1998 1:55 pm
by Scott Danziger
To All:

If you know of a really good web site pertaining to martial arts, please send me the link using the "add a site" feature in the links area. But please check first to see if the site is already listed. As of this post, we have 58 sites. And it is going to grow MUCH bigger by Sunday night or so.

I only ask that you avoid sending sites that are massively lame. Nothing is worse than going to a site which only has a title and everything else is "under construction" or a site that no longer exists. However, by all means, send all the Uechi sites you can (If they are not already posted). I don't mean to imply that some Uechi sites are lame, it is, I think, best to help out any Uechi dojo's out there considering this is a UECHI web site.

Don't worry if a group name doesn't exist yet for the site you want to send. More groups are forthcoming such as Kenpo, Japanese styles, Korean styles, and more.

If you haven't visited the link site yet, please check it out. Try some other sites. There is a great learning experience waiting for you. Some sites are oaded with excellant information about their styles and philosophies.

I'd like to thank Sensei Mattson and Anthony for their confidence in me. I won't let you down (Or at least I will not make any sort of an effort to).
