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Frail-Victim Defense!!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2001 2:36 pm
by gmattson
I love my home town of Brockton. . . The town of creative killers!

"The state Supreme Judicial Court rejected claims by a man convicted of stomping an elderly woman to death in a purse snatching that the victim's frailty - not his actions - caused her death!"

"Scott Tevlin, convicted in 1997 of first-degree meurder in the death of an elderly woman, claimed the sneakers he wore as he stomped on the 74 year-old woman weren't dangerous weapons because she wouldn't have died if she hadn't suffered from hardening of the arteries."

"Authorities said Tevlin used the $40 in her purse to buy crack cocaine."

Well, at least he had a good reason for killing her!