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More Bandaids, Please...

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2001 10:41 pm
by david
In response to the latest incidents of school violence, our governor Celluci announced that he will seek to impose tougher penalities for those caught with weapons on school grounds e.g. mandatory sentence of two years instead of one for illegal gun possession by an adult; one year in DYS instead of 6 months for minors. Also the list of weapons will expand to include "razors, knifes, sticks, etc."

Gee, I wish someone had thought of this sooner. I'm sure these stiffer penalities would have prevented some of the recent tragedies... Image


More Bandaids, Please...

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2001 2:56 pm
by Jcseer
One year in DYS for having sticks? That's rediculous. Never put something past a politician.